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Writer's pictureRyan Tindal

Anxiety Solutions

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Ryan Tindal

Director - Skilled Carer



Anxiety is a natural part of being human. It is an emotion, we will always experience some of it, especially in the face of uncertainty and something daunting.

We can see anxiety when something is worth doing. But sometimes we experience too much of it, unnecessarily.

It primes the body for what is to come. It can be a biological response on preparing the body. See our bodies and biology is hundreds of thousands of years old, but modern technology and the world we now live we no longer require a survival brain like we did not even hundreds of years ago.

Unnecessary anxiety is a result of 2 things;

- Ruminative thinking

For example, some ruminative thoughts include "why am I such a loser", "I'm in such a bad mood" or "I just don't feel like doing anything". Three forms of rumination have been proposed: State rumination, which involves dwelling on the consequences and feelings associated with the failure.

- Imbalanced health

A lack of healthy functioning due to; nutrition, hormonal imbalance, social, mental, physical, spiritual or emotional dimensions of health.


Quit caffeine: the correlation is documented, and the benefits after the withdrawal stage is significant. Caffeine fills your body with the stress hormone cortisol, cutting caffeine alone could reduce your anxiety 90%

Daily mindfulness: The more we can tolerate uncertainty and be ok with whatever thoughts arise, the calmer we become, meditation trains the brain for precisely this.

Take more risks and practice more: anxiety will always be there to some degree, but the more prepared and practice you have had with something that has scared you, the less fear you will fell, practice enables certainty. Anxiety can stem from being inexperienced, which you can control.

Trauma release exercise: tension can be trapped in the body over years of breath holding and tightness. Release pressure physically bringing down anxiety instantly. 4, 7, 8 technique. Link included.

Smoking or vaping: does not relax you. It fills your body with toxins that contribute to anxiety, it stimulates your senses, creates an unhealthy habit of needing a puff every time a feeling of stress or anxiety rears its head. It fills your lungs with poison and put you into a fight or flight mode. Our body’s become really efficient at creating habits that make our life easier. Drawing connections between a stimulus and a habit that makes us feel better, releases dopamine and compounds with greater strength the more you choose the path of least resistance. Choose the path of most resistance, postpone instant gratification and gain control over your emotions and your body.

Body shaking: Shaking out limbs and jumping up and down while humming releases tension.

Alcohol: Hang-xiety is a real thing. The gut is our second brain. Drinking feels like it releases tension in the short term, but it is a depressant and in the long run the negative effects again compound particularly those that unknowingly harvest an unhealthy relationship with it.

A ton of tension is stored in the belly. Breathe with the diaphragm to release tension and stimulate the vagus nerve to diminish anxiety

Don’t identify as an anxious person: another tool to break unwanted habits is to say to yourself and others instead of “I want to read more” I am a reader. Instead of I don’t want to drink, I am a non-drinker.

Many people emphasis their issues by putting unnecessary attention on something that is-for the most part – a psychological condition. Less attention and more action = less anxiety

Lift weights: the cognitive benefits of weightlifting are documented and immediately felt. Your body and mind will strengthen, especially when you do this 3 times a week.

Dancing: let loose with some wild music, do this before an anxiety provoking event.

Self-massage: use a masseuse or hard massage ball, both are known relaxants

Avoid porn: pornography is one of the most damaging stimulants. It destroys dopamine receptors and contribute to low mood and anxiety when not emersed.

Stretch: releases pressure from joints and muscles. Anxiety is directly linked to a stiffness caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

High-Glycaemic index foods: high sugary foods spike blood sugar and lead to crashes in energy levels. Crashes create a low mood and lead to anxiety.

Walk in nature: get outdoors daily, in the sun if possible. Depressed people are out of sync with nature and outdoors, align your body with the natural rhythm of the rising sun.

Talk to a friend: depression is tied to a lack of connection with people. Contrast the pandemic for example. Social activity with a friend or other people gets you out of your head and worries and lifts your mood.

Do something generous: send someone a thank you, take the lead in lifting someone else’s spirit. This act is the opposite of taking things personally and feeling sorry for yourself, which is an anxiety driver.

Laughter yoga: put on a comedy, use laughter as a pressure release exercise, even forcing silly laughter will loosen you up.

Create something: creating is the opposite of reacting. Anxiety springs from allowing yourself to ruminate on the things that trigger you. Creating will calm you.

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